Dear Friends and Instructors, I hereby offer my short Videos from the different moves and techniques during our Instructor Course 2022 with Amnon Maor in Tarifa The Videos are stored on the Vimeo-Video Plattform but, unfortunatley one has to pay there for beeing able to use the Plattform. Therefore, I have organized them as a “Course” on my Business / Course Website, so that you can use it for free and profit from this documentation. I have asked Amnon for his permittance to take Videos during the Course – and >> He has agreed under the following Conditions << > Only available for the Participants of the Instructors Course 2022-10 in Tarifa > Only for private Use and Training and as a Help for preparing Teachings & Curriculums > No sharing, No publishing, No public viewing > This was a strict Order / Condition set by Amnon > So, please respect that, thank you
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